Egypt E-Visa Application Form - Complete Guide & Requirements

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on securing your Egypt e-Visa hassle-free. In this article, we'll take you through each step of the process, ensuring that your journey to Egypt is smooth and stress-free.

Eligibility Criteria to Process Egypt Application

To apply for the Egypt online visa, specifically designed for individuals seeking to visit Egypt for tourism purposes, several essential eligibility criteria must be fulfilled. This comprehensive outline details the fundamental prerequisites for the Egyptian eVisa:

  • Nationality Specifications: Applicants are required to be citizens of a country that is listed among those eligible for the Egyptian eVisa. The eligibility is predetermined by specific agreements and regulations set by the Egyptian government, and potential applicants must verify whether their country of citizenship is included in this list.
  • Passport Validity Requirement: A pivotal requirement for the eVisa application is the possession of a valid passport. Notably, the passport must remain valid for a minimum period of six months beyond the date of arrival in Egypt. This extended validity period beyond the travel dates is a standard international travel requirement, ensuring that the traveler has sufficient buffer time in case of any unforeseen travel changes or emergencies.
  • Duration of Stay and Purpose of Visit: Applicants should intend to stay in Egypt for a period not exceeding 30 days. This stipulation is in place to align with the tourism-oriented nature of the eVisa. Furthermore, the sole purpose of the visit must be tourism. This means that activities such as employment, long-term studies, or permanent residency are not permissible under the Egyptian eVisa.
  • Procedure for Application: Travelers who satisfy each of these outlined criteria are eligible to proceed with the online visa application process for Egypt. The online platform is designed to streamline the application process, making it more accessible and efficient for tourists worldwide.

It's important for potential applicants to thoroughly review these requirements before initiating their eVisa application to ensure a smooth and successful application process. By adhering to these stipulations, travelers can look forward to exploring the rich cultural and historical landscapes of Egypt.

Step 1 - Registration

  • Entering Basic Details: Start by providing your essential information. This includes your full name, email address, phone number, and nationality. Be sure to input this information accurately as it forms the basis of your e-visa application.
  • Captcha Solving: Next, you will encounter a captcha challenge. This is a standard security measure to ensure that the application is being filled out by a human and not an automated system. Carefully follow the instructions provided in the captcha to complete it successfully.

Step 2 - Applicant Details

Applicant Details

Filling in Comprehensive Personal Information 

In this step, you are required to enter detailed personal and travel-related information. This includes:

  • Nationality and Visa Type: Specify your nationality as per your passport and choose the type of visa you are applying for.
  • Personal Details: Input your name, surname, date of birth, and gender.
  • Passport Information: Provide details about your passport such as the issue and expiry dates, and the passport number.
  • Additional Information (If Applicable): If you have another passport or nationality, provide those details. Also, specify your occupation, marital status, and the country you are traveling from.
  • Travel Details: Indicate your expected departure date.
Personal Information

Adding Other Applicants

If you are traveling with others, you can add additional applicants at this stage. Each applicant must have their details entered as per the requirements mentioned above.

Adding Other Applicants

Step 3 - Add Documents and Submit

Add Documents and Submit
  • Uploading Passport Image: Upload a clear, legible scan or photograph of your passport. Ensure that all the relevant details are visible and the image is of high quality.
  • Choosing Visa Processing Type: Select the type of visa processing you prefer. There are usually options for standard or expedited processing, which vary in processing time and fee.
  • Review and Submission: Finally, click on the 'Submit and Review' button. It is crucial to review all the information you have entered for accuracy and completeness before final submission. Any errors or inconsistencies can lead to delays or rejection of your application.
  • Final Check: Go through your application one last time. Pay attention to details like spelling, dates, and document clarity. This is your last chance to correct any mistakes.
  • Submission Confirmation: Once you apply, you will receive a confirmation. Keep a note of any reference number provided for future correspondence or status checks.

Step 4 - Payment

  • Complete the Payment: Choose a payment method from the available options (such as credit/debit card, online payment gateways, etc.) and pay the application processing fee.
  • Note Application Details and Temporary ID: After payment, you'll receive a temporary application ID. Note this down as it's important for tracking the status of your application.

Egyptian E-Visa Application Form: Important Points

When applying for an Egyptian visa through the online form, it's crucial to follow these detailed guidelines to ensure a smooth and successful application process:

  • Mandatory Fields Identification: Pay special attention to all the questions marked with an asterisk (*) in the form. These fields are mandatory, and leaving them unanswered can lead to the application being incomplete.
  • Accuracy and Honesty in Information: You must provide truthful, accurate, and up-to-date information in every section of the Egypt e-visa registration form. This includes personal details, travel plans, and any other required information.
  • Implications of Incorrect Information: Be mindful that even the smallest errors in your information can lead to visa denial. This underscores the importance of double-checking all entries for accuracy.
  • Consistency with Passport Information: Ensure that all the information provided in the application aligns perfectly with the details in the passport you intend to use for travel. Any discrepancies can cause significant delays or outright denial of the visa.
  • Passport Validity Requirements: Verify that your passport meets the minimum validity requirement set by the Egyptian government, which is typically six months from the date of entry into Egypt.
  • Eligibility Confirmation: Before starting the application process, it's essential to check the list of countries eligible for the e-Visa for Egypt. This will confirm whether you can proceed with the e-visa application or need to follow a different process.
  • Understanding Visa Types and Fees: Be aware that the visa application process involves a processing fee. This fee varies depending on whether you are applying for a single-entry or multiple-entry tourist visa for Egypt. Ensure you have the necessary funds to cover this cost.

By adhering to these detailed tips and maintaining a careful and thorough approach to filling out the online visa form, you can enhance the likelihood of a favorable outcome in your Egyptian visa application process.


If you experience an error while applying for an Egypt Visa, you have two options. Firstly, you can initiate a new application for the Egypt Visa. Alternatively, for specific issues, feel free to reach out to our customer service team. They are available 24/7 and can be contacted via online chat or email at (contact tab link) for assistance and guidance.

In the event of a cancellation or rejection of your Egypt eVisa application, our experts, who review all submitted information and documents for government compliance, will guide you through the process.

If your application is rejected by the government, you may qualify for a full refund of the visa processing fee (terms & conditions applied). However, this is not always guaranteed. Please note that government fees are non-refundable in cases of rejection or cancellation.

If you notice an error in your online Egypt eVisa application post-submission, it’s crucial to contact our customer support team immediately. Our experts review every application, but if your application has already been reviewed and submitted to the Egypt government agency, alterations may no longer be feasible. Prompt communication with our team is key in such situations.

Obtaining a visa does not guarantee admission into Egypt. The final decision rests with the border officials who consider various factors, including your situation, entry requirements, and other relevant criteria, before granting entry into the country.

The Visa Policy of Egypt outlines the requirements and regulations for entering Egypt. It includes guidelines on different types of visas, eligibility criteria, necessary documentation, and other entry requirements.

At, we prioritize efficient and prompt processing of your visa applications. Our processing times are estimates based on the average duration governmental authorities take to process visa applications.

These estimates start from the moment we receive all correct and complete information for your application until the issuance of your visa. While we endeavor to expedite the process, please be aware that processing times are dependent on the timelines set by government authorities.

